How to change blogger theme or template? - Instantbloggertips.

How to change blogger theme?

Hello this is Arun Kumar from instantbloggertips. In order to change blogger theme or to change blogger template, you must follow 6 simple steps below.

Note: You have to backup your current theme by clicking 'Download Theme' at step 4. So that, you can restore it back if you get an error.

Here are 6 simple steps to changer blogger theme.

  1. Sign in to .
  2. Navigate to 'themes' on left menu.
  3. themes on left menu
  4. Navigate to 'Backup/Restore' at top right corner.
  5. Backup/Restore at top right corner
  6. Now click on 'Choose file'. Select a file that should be end with extension .xml
  7. Choose file
  8. Now click on upload.
  9. Upload, Done
  10. Done. Your Theme is uploaded/Changed.

Tip: If you probably did not find your .xml file, then use ES file explorer( but it is unsafe, because it is not in playstore).

Want to download templates for your blog? Go to Gooyaabi templates .

What is a blogger template?

Blogger template is a User Interface(UI) of your blog. Which is typically most vital to draw in the audience. You can change it and customise it.

Why to change blogger template?

Many of the google users are reading articles on the blogger. If a blog has a worst user interface then the reader may exit and search for another blog. So the template or theme is the most powerfull wepon in the blogger. So, you have to change blogger theme.


I hope you guys understand the subject ' how to change a blogger theme? '. Still have a doubt please fell free to comment below. This is Arun Kumar from 'Instantbloggertips'. I'll caught you within the next post.

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